Discover the Power of Words:
God's and Yours

Our Mission:

The Power of Words

When our children were babies, we couldn’t wait for them to speak their first words. Hearing them say “Da-da” or “bye-bye” was proof that they were growing up. Today, the everyday words our kids speak reveal their maturity and impact their lives in big ways. At The POW Center, we help kids understand the importance of their words through creative, faith-building materials and show them how to use their words the way God intended—to produce positive, productive results!

Our Newest Book!

The Flower Disaster

The Flower Disaster is a delightful realistic fiction story specially crafted for children aged 6-10. Packed with humor and quick action, this character-growing story brings Bible truths to life, making them relatable and applicable for the younger generation.

Join the exciting journey of our lovable POW characters and learn valuable life lessons of getting along with siblings, listening for God’s voice, and holding onto faith no matter WHAT happens!

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Body, Soul, and Spirit

Object Lesson for Kids

Body, Soul, and Spirit Song

Teaching Song for Kids

What is Your Soul?

Body, Soul, and Spirit

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The POW Center, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching kids the power of words! | All donations are tax-deductible.

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